Thursday, October 22, 2015

Brand 'You'

The world we live in is a cruel, unforgiving one. A world spoilt for choice. A world where we are being constantly evaluated and are expected to prove our worth: by the society, our friends, colleagues, bosses, even our own family. Where an impression can make or break our career. Where people would like to know, as quickly as possible, why we deserve their precious time and attention when there are so many other equally if not more capable people out there. What differentiates us from others?

Thinking about the answer to this question reminds me of a conversation I had a few years ago with a relative of mine who had come to visit. At the time I had just completed my formal education and was nervous about the prospect of entering the big, bad world having lived in a protected environment for so long. I was greedy for any advice that she could give me. The wise lady merely told me this: “Any task that you take up should be done to the best of your ability. Let there be no compromises, because it is after all ‘You’ who are doing it. Whether it is a menial task like dusting a shelf or something more intellectual like writing a program or giving a presentation, pour your heart and soul into it. The difference will definitely show. It will also give you a high like never before, the high of a job well done. This is the key to happiness and success.” I was blown away by her simple yet profound words.  I will always remember them.

If we come to think of it, the lady was talking about what we have come to know today as branding. So what exactly is branding? It is a marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products. ( This term can be extended to ourselves too. We’re all unique. We matter. We have been put here for a purpose and we can make a difference. But the world doesn’t know this. In order to show the world what more we can bring to the table, we need to follow the wise lady’s advice. We need to start building and nurturing the brand that is us, so that we are remembered, even long after we’re gone.

The tricky question is, how one can go about doing this. Here are a few thoughts:

  1. There is nothing you do that isn’t sending a message, one way or another. – Steve McKee ( Our every move is being scrutinised by someone or the other. So we might as well give them something good to look at by always putting our best foot forward! It may be exhausting initially, but it will always be worth it. Our work will soon begin to be identified by the uniqueness that only we can add to it.
  2. The way it has always be done, is not the way it must always be done. – Steve McKee ( ‘Thinking out of the box!’, ’Innovation!’, ‘Imagination!’, ‘Creativity!’- We’ve all heard these words more times than we can count. They stem from human tendency to quickly tire of what is routine and monotonous. That’s why we’re always looking for newer, faster and more efficient ways of doing things. People who are able to step out of their comfort zone and look beyond the tried and tested ways to tread the less travelled path make it big in this world.
  3. An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind. - Mahatma Gandhi. Treading the path of goodness and righteousness may be scoffed upon in today’s dog eat dog world. But personal vendettas and grudges never did anyone any good. A kind deed never goes waste. What goes around does come around, though not necessarily from the same place. This is something to think about.
  4. No one likes a whiner. Anyone can complain about what’s wrong in the world, but not everyone can come up with ways to right what is wrong. So instead of whining, focusing one’s energy on devising and implementing solutions to various world problems can go a long way in setting one apart from others.
  5. Happiness is infectious. It is true that life is not a bed of roses and that there is unfairness galore in this world. People who are happy and enthusiastic despite the gloom that surrounds them are sought after. Smiling, laughing people are often considered more agreeable and are welcome anywhere they go, because they lift the spirits of those around them.  
Finally, creating a brand for ourselves doesn’t mean losing our identity to what the world thinks we should be. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. It is about embracing our uniqueness and using it to do some good from which the world can benefit. Thus the world needs us to step forward, into the limelight. We’re all works of art, which up till now never got to see the light, as Selena Gomez sings in her song, Who Says. So pull up the blinds, open up the windows and let the world see and experience: Brand You!