Wednesday, January 21, 2015

On Self Love

Self love is the best love, they say. We are quick to bestow our love and affection on others, but we find it difficult to extend the same courtesy to ourselves. We often compare ourselves with others and depend on other people’s opinion of us for a sense of self worth. We are more critical of our own flaws than those of others. We love ourselves conditionally- I would love myself more, if only I were prettier..... if only I could score better marks..... if only I was popular.....

These are not acts of self love. On the contrary, such acts undermine our confidence and provide a one way ticket to perennial misery. The key to lasting happiness is to love oneself unconditionally. Loving oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. We need to be loving, affectionate and appreciative of our own selves. Only then can we be loving and affectionate to others. Lack of confidence is a direct consequence of inadequate self love. If we don’t believe in ourselves, if we don’t have utter faith in ourselves no matter what, then we will be easily swayed by what others say. Self love instills confidence which in turn brings success and popularity.

Self love should, however, not be confused with narcissism. Narcissism means thinking only of oneself and fulfilling only our own needs. Narcissism is self obsession. It undermines our character while self love uplifts it. There is nothing selfish about self love.

On an ending note, here is something to think about: “You, more than anyone else in this world, deserve your love and affection.”

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  1. Wouldn't loving ourselves fr who we are impede us from bettering ourselves? As in, I'm good the way I am, there's nothing to change. I wrote something similar this week, that's the doubt I had.

    1. I'm all for trying to be the best we can be, improving for the better. I'm not a believer of fate, that everything that happens is pre destined and that we can't do anything about it. Just being content with the way one is gives rise to complacency and mediocrity. So I guess self love is about striking a balance between being content with oneself and improving ourselves to the best of our capabilities. It's a very thin line. It mainly involves knowing our capabilities and limits, being realistic. For example, I may like rock climbing, be good at it and may also challenge myself to trying tougher climbs. But that doesn't mean I'm fit to climb Mt. Everest! Self love is knowing that and being content. :-)
